
Intellectual Property Lawyer

Filemot means Barbara Cookson. She delivers our services personally and when anyone else is involved, such as in overseas jurisdictions, you will know.

Intellectual Property Specialist

Intellectual property (IP) means those rights of a business that are intangible, so are not real property such as bricks and mortar, your premises and your plant and machinery. Intellectual Property law #IPLaw is a body of law that provides the framework that makes these intangible rights transferable, enforceable and defensible.  The most common items of IP are trade secrets, know how and inventions that can be protected by patents; your goodwill, name, brand and reputation that can be protected by registered trademarks; and your artistic and literary works that can be protected by copyright.

I am an Entrepreneur

For you, IP is important because you need to know where it comes into your business model. Will you own all the IP you need or will you be using IP belonging to other people or businesses that you need to licence.

You will need to own your own name and make sure before you adopt it that it wont cut across the rights of anyone else and get you into an unwanted conflict.

I am a business owner

For you, IP is important because you need some freedom from the harsh world of competition. If you are developing new products and can secure patent protection, you can reduce the impact of competition while you invest in developing the new market. Your brand equity can be protected by having a strong trademark portfolio. You can use your IP to secure a loan, to persuade investors to join you in the journey and even secure you tax advantages.

I am an Investor

For you, it is important to know the value and significance of your target’s IP. Whether it is simply verifying a schedule or assessing the likelihood that a patent will be granted on an application, I can help. For many potential investees the value lies in know-how and people and these are assets only personal investigation can assess. Due diligence for the sake of it is best left to the large law firms, but Filemot excels at pragmatic guidance and can help you spend your due diligence wisely.

I am an In-house Lawyer

For you – whether you are employed in house, in a larger UK law firm with other specialisms or are based in another jurisdiction,  it is important to have a specialist IP expert on hand who can provide a personal service and years of expertise in managing, procuring, enforcing and defending IP in the UK Intellectual Property Office, the EU Intellectual Property Office, the World Intellectual Property Office, the European Patent Office and the English courts including the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court.

We can help with a range of Intellectual Property Services


Patents are for innovators who want to protect a technical invention that hasn’t been disclosed to the public.  Filing in the UK first establishes your priority and the opportunity to file elsewhere within 12 months. Patent projects take a long time to reach completion. This is not necessarily a bad thing as product development can also throw up changes and delays. Nevertheless I am no longer undertaking long term projects so we recommend seeking an alternative adviser. Other patent firms are available as they say and can be researched on https://www.cipa.org.uk/find-a-patent-attorney/ but try  Lucas & Co


Registering your brand names and/or logos as trademarks allows you and/or business to prevent others in a similar line of business adopting similar names and/or imitating your brand name or logos.


Copyright is free and arises automatically when an artistic literary or musical work is created. It lasts for 70 years after your death and only infringed when someone copies your work.

Latest Intellectual Property News & Articles

Social in Seattle

This post is addressed to my professional colleagues rather than my lay clients. If you will be travelling to Seattle for the International Trademark Association (INTA) meeting are a follower of social networks, then here