This post is addressed to my professional colleagues rather than my lay clients.

If you will be travelling to Seattle for the International Trademark Association (INTA) meeting are a follower of social networks, then here are some fringe events that may be of interest to you.

On Saturday, May 19 from 2 PM to 4 PM there will be a meet up for individual associate members of INTA. This event was initiated by  Carlos Corrales A. of CoreIp of Costa Rica and is supported by a number of global sole practitioner sponsors including Filemot. The location is Pike Brewing Company at 1415 1st, Seattle, WA and in the tradition of INTA receptions, there will be free beer or at least it will be free if you get there early enough. This event is where you will meet those firms from all around the globe where individual experts work solo. Working with these experts can be very rewarding (I would say that wouldn’t I) because you get direct access to their expertise.  There will be a raffle of regional specialities at 3 pm as an added attraction – so if you are attracted by Costa Rican coffee South American wine or even a royal baby souvenir – this is the time and place to be. If you are planning to attend, it would be great if you could Please RSVP Here.

Moving onto Monday, those of you who tweet might like to join the INTA 2018 Tweet up. This one has become a regular event been supported by Singapore bio patent specialist and orchid aficionado Dr Khoo Chong-Yee  of Cantab IP. Fellow tweeters can check his blog to register their interest and find the as yet secret venue.  You do follow my Twitter stream don’t you?

Then on Tuesday, join the big boys at Meet the Bloggers XIV which is at Garage Billiards, Tuesday, May 22, 8-10 PM. They can count in Roman numerals and have been blogging and meeting for a whole 14 years and the last time in Seattle was a pretty good event. You can register here. This one used to be supported by our beloved IPkat and the roof in Berlin was a particularly splendid location that year. However,today this is the only one of the three events which is a US exclusive but that doesn’t stop the world descending to meet the bloggers.

I do hope to meet you at one of these “social” events.